- 25 Dec
- Christmas pictures that were sent to me:
- Estelle ("Shaksper Charmian")
- Winnie ("Shaksper Tamora Queen Of The Goths")
- Bentley ("Shaksper Prince Edvard Williams")
- Argus ("Shaksper Arvirargus")
- Polly ("Shaksper Hippolyta")
- Duffy ("Shaksper Thane Of Fife")
- Boo ("Shaksper Lady Catrin Mortimer")
- Elvis ("Shaksper Edmund Mortimer")
- Portia ("Shaksper Porcia Catonis")
- 23 Dec
- Yesterday I drove Ophelia ("Shaksper Ophelia") to
Maryland to be bred. Today I flew to Arkansas taking Siri
("Shaksper Serena Mckellen") to be bred. My other dogs
stayed with a petsitter. Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried")
took the opportunity to bond
with the petsitter's youngest; Gywnie ("Shaksper Gwyneth De Lesseps")
is in the background.)
- 21 Dec
- I got home from the Invitational to find that Siri
("Shaksper Serena Mckellen") had also come into season.
(Watch for Siri's puppy blog which will
appear soon.)
I took both Siri and Ophelia ("Shaksper Ophelia" to
NC State for pre-breeding blood work. Ophelia was
fascinated with the statue
at the vet school.
- 17-19 Dec
- Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried") and I travelled
to Orlando Florida to participate in the AKC Agility
Invitational. The top five agility dogs of each breed
are invited. Mandy has been invited multiple times,
but this is only her second time being able to attend.
(Motherhood and the pandemic stopped Mandy from attending
previously.) Also invited for the first time was Mandy's
son, Boo ("Shaksper Guiderius"). Here are some pictures
that Jennifer and Keith took:
Here are some action pictures of Mandy taken by the professional
And in the end, Mandy won the breed!!! And her son, Boo, took second place!
- 14 Dec
- Ophelia ("Shaksper Ophelia") has come into season.
(It is a good thing Ophelia waited until after the
agility trial, as dogs in season are not allowed
to compete.) Ophelia is scheduled to be bred this
cycle. Watch for Ophelia's puppy blog which will appear soon.
- 10-12 Dec
- At an agility trial in Sanford NC, Mandy ("Shaksper
Amanda Seyfried") earned two more of those difficult
double-Qs (qualifying in both the Master Standard and
Master Jumpers ring on the same day). Ophelia ("Shaksper
Ophelia") had her agility debut, qualifying in Novice
- 9 Dec
- Kristy and Valor ("Shaksper Rosencrantz") are
Kristy says Valor finds vacation
- 8 Dec
- Griffin sent me this
nice picture of
Estelle ("Shaksper Charmian").
- 4 Dec
- Jennifer and Keith sent me
this picture of
(from left to right) Bear ("Shaksper Guildenstern"), Madeline
("Shaksper Lady Elizabeth Percy"), and Boo
("Shaksper Guiderius"). Jennifer wrote:
Team Shaksper/Lee had an exciting day Saturday, with all 3
siblings entered in their first trial together!!! Little
Boo earned a double Q and 30 speed points, even on dirt.
Bear earned his Novice title, yay!! He followed a blind
cross and a rear with good speed, earning a perfect score
and a blue ribbon. Baby Madeline had her trial debut!
She has her grandmother Mandy's smooth and beautiful
jumping style, just like Little Boo. I thought Madeline's
debut would involve the customary visit to the judge,
some sniffs, and some confusion (what is this place, why
am I here?). To our surprise and delight, Madeline just
took off running and followed my lead! So proud of her!!
- 25 Nov
- Kristy sent me this picture of Valor ("Shaksper Rosencrantz")
watching the Thanksgiving dog
- 20 Nov
- Jennifer and Keith sent me this picture of Bear
("Shaksper Guildenstern") showing off his jumping ability.
Jennifer wrote "Please add our Instagram, #norwichagility,
so people can follow if they like."
- 8 Nov
- Happy birthday to Ophelia ("Shaksper Ophelia"),
Valor ("Shaksper Rosencrantz"), and Bear ("Shaksper
Guildenstern") who are all two years old today. Kristy
sent me these pictures of how Valor celebrated:
- Griffin sent me this picture of Estelle ("Shaksper Charmian")
with a friend.
- 4 Nov
- Jim and Irene brought HP ("Shaksper Harry Percy") for a visit. Here is
a group photo -
Irene holding HP, I am holding Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda
Seyfried") on my right, Gwynie ("Shaksper Gwyneth De
Lesseps") on my left, Ophelia ("Shaksper Ophelia") has
her paws on my knee, Siri ("Shaksper Serena Mckellen")
is on the box, and Izzy ("Shaksper Iras") is checking if
there is any more food in the bowl.
- 30 Oct
- Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried"), Siri ("Shaksper
Serena Mckellen") and I were at an agility trial this
weekend. Mandy got another difficult to get double-Q.
Here we are with
Norwich friends at the trial. (Mandy is on my right,
Siri has her ears up.) My other dogs were at my petsitter
waiting for me to come
pick them up. From left to right, Ophelia ("Shaksper
Ophelia"), Izzy ("Shaksper Iras"), and Gwynie ("Shaksper
Gwyneth De Lesseps"). (Actually I am told that they were
looking at my petsitter's Sheltie who was in the back yard.)
- 28 Oct
- Irene sent me this
Halloween picture
of HP ("Shaksper Harry Percy").
- 24 Oct
- Lynn S. tells me that Polly ("Shaksper Hippolyta")
has earned the Open
Barn Hunt (RATO) title by finding rats contained within
PVC tubes hidden amoung bales of hay.
- 19 Oct
- Boo ("Shaksper Guiderius") and
Bear ("Shaksper Guildenstern") who
are staying with me for a few days.
- 18 Oct
- John and Griffin and their
new S.T.A.R. puppy
Estelle ("Shaksper Charmian").
- 5 Oct
- Kristy sent me this picture of Valor
("Shaksper Rosencrantz") showing off his climbing skills
while hiking in the mountains.
- 4 Oct
- Lynn S. and Polly ("Shaksper Hippolyta") plus
myself with Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried") and Siri
("Shaksper Serena Mckellen")
at the Montgomery Terrier
Agility Cluster.
- 3 Oct
- Jennfer and Keith reported that Boo
("Shaksper Guiderius") today earned his MACH title
(Master Agility Championship) at the Durham Kennel
Club's agility trial. Boo is the 28th Norwich to earn
this difficult title, and follows in the footsteops of
his mother ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried") and grandmother
("Jerusalem Olivia Lenox") who also earned the MACH title.
- 29 Sep
- Victoria sent me this very nice picture of
Portia ("Shaksper Porcia Catonis").
- 25 Sep
- Norwich are not diggers ... unless there is a critter. Claudia
sent me this picture of
Robin ("Shaksper Robin Goodfellow")
hard at work.
- 19 Sep
- Happy Birthday to Ben ("Shaksper
Soren Ben Miller"),
Paige ("Shaksper Paige Morgan"), and
Bentley ("Shaksper
Prince Edvard Williams") who are eleven years old today.
- 31 Aug
- Happy Birthday to Portia ("Shaksper Porcia Catonis"),
Sayer ("Shaksper Soothsayer Of The Ides"),
and Tavi ("Shaksper Octavia Minor")
who are six years old today.
Victoria sent me these pictures of Portia:
Carolyn sent me these pictures of Sayer:
Helen sent me this picture of Tavi.
- 29 Aug
- Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried") earned three (!) double-Qs
at this weekend's agility trial in Sanford North Carolina.
- 23 Aug
- I learnd that today that Polly ("Shaksper Hippolyta")
handled by Lynn S. earned her MXP (Master Agility
Preferred) title. It takes ten quailifying "legs" (scores) to
earn a Master title.
- 21 Aug
- Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried", Siri ("Shaksper
Serena Mckellen"), and
a deer! My dogs were barking furiously, but evidently not
enough to scare away two deer that wandered into the yard.
As is evident I am currently working on stripping Siri.
- 16 Aug
- Happy Birthday to
Boo ("Shaksper Lady Catrin Mortimer"),
Madeline ("Shaksper Lady Elizabeth Percy"),
Elvis ("Shaksper Edmund Mortimer", and
HP ("Shaksper Harry Percy") who are one-year old today.
- 15 Aug
- Lynn S. reports that Polly ("Shaksper Hippolyta") was the "start of the
car" this weekend,
qualifying in every Barn Hunt class in which Polly
was entered.
Also this weekend at an agility trial, Boo ("Shaksper Guiderius") handled
by Jennifer and Keith earned
his 20th (and 21st) double-Q towards his MACH title. Now all Boo needs
are speed points to earn the title. And their dog, Bear ("Shaksper Guildenstern") earned his first agility "legs", qualifying in both Novice
Standard and Novice Jumpers, earning a blue 1st place ribbon both times.
At the same trial, Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried")
also earned two double-Qs, qualified on a Premier Standard
course and a Premier Jumpers course, and ran clean (made no
mistakes) on another very difficult Premier Jumpers course ... but
was over time by a half second (and so did not qualify).
- 8 Aug
- Victoria sent me this picture of Portia ("Shaksper Porcia
Catonis") relaxing.
- 31 Jul
- Lynn S. tells me that today Polly ("Shaksper
Hippolyta") earned her MJP (Master Jumpers Preferred)
agility title. The Preferred program allows a dog to jump
one jump height lower than would otherwise be required in
the Regular program. Almost all Norwich are required to
jump in the 8 inch height class in the Regular program,
so Polly earned her title from the 4 inch height class.
Some dogs do better and have more fun jumping in a lower
height class. Owners can choose to run their dogs in
either the Regular program or the Preferred program (and
can even switch back and forth).
- 29 Jul
- I heard today that both Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda
Seyfried") - owned by me - and her son Boo ("Shaksper
Guiderius") - owned by Jennifer and Keith - have been
invited to the AKC Agility Invitational to be held in
December in Orlando Florida. This is the second time that
both have made the top five agility Norwich list and thus
been invited. Last year neither of us went because of
the pandemic; hopefully things will be better this year.
A nice (impressionistic) picture of Boo ("Shaksper Lady Catrin Mortimer")
running across my field.
- 28 Jul
- Today is the birthday of Gwynie ("Shaksper Gwyneth
De Lesseps") who is now one-year old.
- 26 Jul
- Today is the birthday of Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried") -
who lives with me - and her brother Peanut ("Shaksper Victor Garcia")
who lives with Max and Carrie. It is hard to believe that both dogs
are nine years old now.
Boo ("Shaksper Lady Catrin Mortimer")
who is coming to stay with me for a bit while Ian and Terry travel. There
are two Shaksper "Boo" dogs - one male, the other female. Yes, it is confusing!
- 5 Jul
- Anne send me this picture of
Elvis ("Shaksper Edmund Mortimer")
- 4 Jul
- Jennifer sent me this picture of
Madeline ("Shaksper Lady Elizabeth Percy") wearing her Fourth of
July bow.
- 1 Jul
- Two days ago, Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried")
came back from a run in the nearby field clearly not acting normal
and making nasal sounds. Based upon experience I strongly
suspected that Mandy had gotten a piece of grass stuck up
her nose. I have had other dogs do this, and Mandy has
done it once before. Normally if one of my dogs is in
distress, I would head to my vet's office or the nearest
emergency hospital. But I decided to wait and see if
Mandy could clear the grass on her own. This was probably
not the wisest decision, as after listening to Mandy last
night I realized that Mandy needed veterinary care. From
experience I knew that my regular vet would just send me
to the emergency hospital, so I took Mandy directly there.
I did not feed Mandy breakfast as I knew that Mandy would
probably have to be put under anesthesia. I took Mandy to
the NC State Emergency Hospital. As I suspected, after
putting Mandy under anesthesia and doing a rhinoscopy
(looking at the nasal cavity with a scope) they found
a piece of grass at the back of Mandy's nasal passage.
Mandy either inhaled the grass or when eating grass coughed
and got the grass stuck in the back of her nose. We were
at the hospital all day. I read and napped in my car.
At the end of the day, they released Mandy back to me.
The vet gave me the $1,000
dollar piece of grass that had been in Mandy's nose.
Mandy has recovered nicely and is now back to her normal self.
- 27 Jun
- Lynn S. tells me that Polly ("Shaksper Hippolyta") earned
her Novice Barn Hunt (RATN) title this weekend. In Barn
Hunt, a dog and their owner locate and mark rats (in
aerated tubes) hidden in a maze of hay bales.
Also this weekend Jennifer and Keith tell me that Boo
("Shaksper Guiderius") earned two more Double-Qs at an
agility trial in Viriginia. Their dog Bear ("Shaksper
Guildenstern") spent the weekend with me while Jennifer
and Keith, Boo, and their other dog Madeline ("Shaksper
Lady Elizabeth Percy") were away. I enjoyed getting to
know Bear again, who was a perfect gentleman putting up
with puppies and also the attention of his two sisters.
- 21 Jun
- Gwynie ("Shaksper Gwyneth De Lesseps") earned her Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and Novice Trick Dog (TKN) titles today.
- 13 Jun
- Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried") and I were able to earn a double-Q
at an agility trial in North Carolina. At the same trial, Mandy's son, Boo
("Shaksper Guiderius") handled alternately by Jennifer and Keith, was able
to earn two double-Qs! Go Team Shaksper!
- 12 Jun
- Polly ("Shaksper Hippolyta") with her
Barn Hunt Instinct ribbon.
In Barn Hunt, dogs try to find rats (in tubes with airholes) hidden
among bales of hay.
Some very sad news - Carolyn wrote that Hobbes ("Shaksper Titus Andronicus")
after being very sick was euthanized today. Hobbes had just turned seven years
old in May. An autopsy is being done to determine the cause of death.
- 20 May
- Valor ("Shaksper Rosencrantz") out with Kristy
to look for
sea turtle tracks so that the nests can be protected.
- 19 May
- Helen sent me this picture of Tavi ("Shaksper Octavia Minor")
in her domain.
- 17 May
- Siri ("Shaksper Serena Mckellen") had four
puppies by free whelp. You can follow the saga on their puppy blog.
- 16 May
- If you can earn one double-Q at an agility trial, that is
a good weekend. Earning double-Qs is difficult. If you can
earn two double-Qs, that is a great weekend. But if you can
earn three double-Qs (at a three-day trial) ... well, it does not
get any better than that! Boo ("Shaksper Guiderius") handled
by Jennifer and Keith had a perfect weekend. Here is Keith
and Boo showing off their
- 5 May
- My dogs are good about alerting me if there is something
new in the environment. Gwynie ("Shaksper Gwyneth De Lesseps")
barked furiously when she came across this
turtle during our morning walk.
- 2 May
- We were at a local outdoor agility trial this
weekend. Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried") earned two
more double-Qs, and Boo ("Shaksper Guiderius") handled by
Jennifer and Keith earned a double-Q. But the big news of
the weekend was the agility debut of Jennifer and Keith's
dog, Bear ("Shaksper Guildenstern"). Here is Jennifer
and Bear after their
Sunday run.
- 1 May
- Terry and Ian sent me this picture
of Boo ("Shaksper Lady Catrin Mortimer") standing on a rock in
the forest.
- 28 Apr
- Jennifer
and Madeline ("Shaksper Lady Elizabeth Percy").
Madeline running
through the grass.
- 27 Apr
- Ian sent me
this picture of Terry and Boo ("Shaksper
Lady Catrin Mortimer") and says that Boo
loves to go shopping.
- 25 Apr
- Happy Birthday Polly
("Shaksper Hippolyta") and Robin ("Shaksper
Robin Goodfellow"). It is hard to believe that you are
four years old already!
- 23-25 Apr
- Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried") and I competed at
another outdoor agility trial and Mandy again earned two
double-Qs. Jennifer, Keith, and Boo ("Shaksper Guiderius")
also competed.
- 22 Apr
- Claudia sent me the following nice email about their
dog Robin ("Shaksper Robin Goodfellow")
I walked Robin up the mountain this morning. I was
picking up cigarette butts as I saw them. It took Robin
less than 5 seconds to locate, dig up, and kill his first
vole. Took me more time to make him drop it.
Robin will be FOUR years old on the 25th. Time goes by
too quickly.
He loves his long morning walks. Herb takes him on a
shorter walk in the afternoon. He is a show stopper
at Lowes. It is not just his looks; it is the winning
personality and his ability to look people in the eye.
We love Robin. He adds so much to our physical and mental
well being. Hearing not so much. The cardinals drive
him nuts.
Hope you are doing well.
- 20 Apr
- I learned today that Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda
Seyfried") earned the MACH4 title at the recent agility
title. MACH4 means that Mandy has satisfied the MACH title
requirements four times. I was (pleasantly) surprised,
as I thought we needed two more double-Qs.
- 19 Apr
- Boo ("Shaksper Lady Catrin Mortimer")
among the flowers.
- 18 Apr
- Jennifer, Keith, and Boo ("Shaksper Guiderius") earned
lots of ribbons at
a local agility trial. Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried")
and I competed at the same outdoor trial, where Mandy earned two
double-Qs. (A double-Q is earned by qualifying on both the
Master Standard course and the Master Jumpers course on the same
- 13 Apr
- Ultrasound today showed that Siri ("Shaksper
Serena Mckellen") is pregnant. I have started Siri's puppy
blog for this litter.
- 8 Apr
- Winnie ("Shaksper Tamora Queen Of The Goths") enjoying spring and
guarding Tom and Karissa's house from pesky squirrels.
- 5 Apr
- Larry sent me this nice photo of Bentley ("Shaksper Prince
Edvard Williams") and writes that Bentley is doing
- 4 Apr
- Madeline ("Shaksper Lady Elizabeth Percy")
dressed up for Easter.
- 31 Mar
- Jennifer sent me this photo of sleeping Norwich
- from left to right, Bear ("Shaksper Guildenstern"),
Madeline ("Shaksper Lady Elizabeth Percy"), and Boo
("Shaksper Guiderius").
- 30 Mar
- Kristy sent me this picture of Valor
("Shaksper Rosencrantz")
checking out the contents
of the recently-arrived box from Chewy's.
- 26-28 Mar
- At the Youngsville NC agility trial, Mandy ("Shaksper
Amanda Seyfried") and I earned two more difficult to
get double-Qs (qualifying on both the Master Standand
course and the Master Jumpers course on the same day).
Mandy's son, Boo ("Shaksper Guiderius"), was also at the
trial, being handled alternately by Jennifer or Keith.
On the courses where both dogs qualified, Boo was faster
than Mandy by approximately half a second.
- 23 Mar
- Looking at me on the left is Madeline ("Shaksper
Lady Elizabeth Percy") and on the right is Gwynie
("Shaksper Gwyneth De Lesseps"). Madeline has come into
season (her first). Madeline normally lives with Jennifer
and Keith and their two male dogs. But intact males
and females in the same house is not a good idea (for
many reasons), and so Madeline has come to stay with me
and my girls while Madeline is in season.
- 22 Mar
- Victoria sent me this picture of Portia ("Shaksper Porcia Catonis")
from her spay. "Drugs are icky" says Portia.
- 19 Mar
- Karissa and Winnie ("Shaksper Tamora Queen Of The
Goths") out for a
bike ride. Later Winnie
riding with Tom.
- 15-21 Mar
- Siri ("Shaksper Serena Mckellen") and I took a
road-trip to Kentucky to breed Siri to Robert ("Camio's
Charred Oak"). Unfortunately there is no canine urine
test for pregnancy, as there is for humans. So we will
have to wait for an ultrasound in approximately a month
to see if Siri is pregnant.
- 8 Mar
- Percy ("Shaksper Thane Of Lennox"), Duffy ("Shaksper
Thane Of Fife"), and Rocco ("Shaksper Thane Of Ross")
are two years old today.
Lynn T. sent me this picture of Duffy.
Kathy sent me this picture of
Rocco (on right), with a friend.
- 4 Mar
- Lynn S. reported that ("Shaksper Hippolyta"), had her dental in February.
- 2 Mar
- Robin ("Shaksper Robin Goodfellow") had his teeth cleaned today.
Claudia sent me this picture of Robin
sill a little sedated afterwards.
- 1 Mar
- Victoria tells me that they are raising a Border Collie puppy
for a friend. Portia ("Shaksper Porcia Catonis") is
treating the
puppy as if it were her baby.
- 27 Feb
- Jennifer sent me this picture of Madeline ("Shaksper Lady Elizabeth Percy") on the left and Bear ("Shaksper Guildenstern")
playing with a lure toy.
- 24 Feb
- Ben ("Shaksper Soren Ben Miller")
modeling his winter coat in the
Maryland snow.
- 21 Feb
- My petsitter who lives on a farm sent me this
five-year old picture
that popped up on her phone of Portia ("Shaksper Porcia
Catonis") with a baby lamb.
- 16 Feb
- Abigail sent me this picture of Percy ("Shaksper Thane Of Lennox")
looking like
the laird of the manor.
- 15 Feb
- Sandy sent me this picture of
Peanut ("Shaksper Victor Garcia") surviving a
New York City
- 7 Feb
- Chris weighing
Portia ("Shaksper Porcia Catonis"). Everyone is staring
at Chris' hand because of the treat he is about to give
Portia for standing still on the scale.
- 28 Jan
- Victoria sent me this picture of Portia ("Shaksper Porcia Catonis")
and friend.
- 22 Jan
- Anne writes that Elvis ("Shaksper Edmund Mortimer") likes
watching nature programs>.
- 19 Jan 2021
- Jennifer getting all the dogs to sit.
From left to right - Siri ("Shaksper Serena Mckellen") who is
in the process of being stripped, Boo ("Shaksper Guiderius"),
Mandy ("Shaksper Amanda Seyfried"), Bear ("Shaksper Guildenstern") on
Mandy's left, then on Mandy's right are Gwynie ("Shaksper Gwyneth De Lesseps", Ophelia ("Shaksper Ophelia"), and Madeline ("Shaksper Lady Elizabeth Percy"). Jennifer and Keith own Boo, Bear, and Madeline; the rest
live with me. My dogs were visiting Jennifer and Keith while I went
to the nearest FedEx Shipment Center to send
blood and urine samples from Gwynie and Madeline for
the MU/OFA Hip Dysplasia Biomarker Study.
- 17 Jan 2021
- Claudia sent me this picture of Robin ("Shaksper Robin Goodfellow")
with a rawhide chew. Robin is a "fluffy" so does not have the
coat texture or coloration as most Norwich.
- 13 Jan 2021
- Winnie ("Shaksper
Tamora Queen Of The Goths") on Karissa's lap in a Christmas card photo
that was not used.
- 12 Jan 2021
- Madeline ("Shaksper Lady Elizabeth Percy") ready for sweater
weather. Jennifer knows I hate these "cute" pictures.
- 11 Jan 2021
- Some sad news. I learned today that Olivia ("Jerusalem
Olivia Lennox") was put down on 6 January. Olivia was
almost 14 years old, and spent her senior years with Joe.
Olivia was the maternal ancestor of all Shaksper Norwich alive today.
Here are some pictures of Olivia in her prime:
Olivia's great-grandson Elvis ("Shaksper Edmund
Mortimer") only five months old and already showing off his hunting
ability. Anne says the bird hit a window, and
Elvis brought it to Anne and
dropped it at her feet.
- 8 Jan 2021
Polly ("Shaksper Hippolyta") earned her AXP title today
at an agility trial in Pennsylvania. "AX" means Polly
has satisfied the requirements of the Excellent Standard
level, and the "P" means in the "Preferred" program.
In the Preferred program, a dog jumps one "jump height"
lower than they would otherwise be required. For Polly,
this means jumping 4 inches, which her owner, Lynn S.,
thinks is better for Polly.
And Ian and Terry sent me this picture of one of Polly's daughters,
Boo ("Shaksper Lady Catrin Mortimer"), playing with
neighborhood children.