Norwich Terrier Pedigree Database

This database tries to contain all registered Norwich Terriers that are currently alive plus their ancestors back to 1950. There are approximately 20,000 Norwich in the database. If you are interested in a historical Norwich, I have approximately 50,000 Norwich in my private database, and I am happy to run special request queries.

Service: pedigree relationship reports ancestor loss coi

The information in this database will only be used for non-commercial research purposes.

If your Norwich is not listed in this database, please send a copy of your dog's registration papers or official pedigree from your country's national registry - in the United States, this is the AKC - and your Norwich will be added.

If your Norwich is listed in this database where the information is from a show catalog, please send a copy of your dog's registration paper or official pedigree so that the database can be as accurate as possible.

If the airway of your Norwich has been scoped and scored using the scoring scheme developed by Dr. Stanley and her colleagues, please send a copy of the completed NTUAS scoring form and your dog's status will be recorded.


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