Two conjectures about Norwich paternal ancestry

My Norwich pedigree database at

is far from complete, but it is large enough to investigate certain things. Recently I noticed something interesting about Norwich paternal ancestry (paternal lineage). To understand paternal ancestry, write down your dog's sire, then the sire of the sire, then the sire of the sire of the sire, etc. This is the paternal ancestry.

Here is what I noticed.

Conjecture 1: For every Norwich alive today, its paternal ancestry contains "Whinlatter Allercombe Hiker" (born 1956).

Version 1.79 of my database contains 9,546 dogs born in the last twenty years. Of these, 8,417 contain "Whinlatter Allercombe Hiker" in their paternal ancestry ... and looking at the rest, my database is not complete enough to go back far enough for their paternal ancestry.

If my conjecture is correct, then that means that every Norwich male alive today has a Y chromosome descended from "Whinlatter Allercombe Hiker" (since the Y chromosome is passed from father to son).

Now my conjecture could be wrong. After all, it is just a guess, backed by some evidence. So can anyone - using their own pedigree information - find a Norwich alive today who does not have "Whinlatter Allercombe Hiker" in its paternal ancestry? I would be VERY interested to hear of such a dog.

Here is a further observation.

For the 8,417 Norwich in my database with "Whinlatter Allercombe Hiker" in their paternal ancestry, it is interesting that most (5,113) inherit his Y chromosome though his great-great-great-grandson "Thrumpton's Lord Redwood" (born 1970). The other ways that the Y chromosome seems to come down to us is through

1311 Ragus Rock Robin, born 1964
1043 Daffran Rufus, born 1972
637 Culswood Crunch, born 1968
242 Ragus Fair Dinkum, born 1970
61 Longways Felix, born 1961
1 Culswood Cracker, born 1970  (the dog is "Barnstormer's Pumpkin Pie")
1 Bill Sykes (1966), born 1966 (the dog is "Pillipiiparin Helmi-Neiti")

Conjecture 2: For every Norwich alive today, its paternal ancestry contains exactly one of the following eight dogs:

Thrumpton's Lord Redwood
Ragus Rock Robin
Daffran Rufus
Culswood Crunch
Ragus Fair Dinkum
Longways Felix
Culswood Cracker
Bill Sykes (1966).

Again, I would be VERY interested to hear of a counterexample to my conjecture 2.

Blair Kelly