You can purchase commercial dental pads. However when my favorite manufacturer of dental pads (Drs. Foster and Smith) discontinued their dental pads - and not finding any other commercial dental pad that I liked - I started making my own.
Here is how I make dental pads. I still have not found a good pad that I like. I want something thin but with texture. A fine gauze seems my best option so far. I pre-soak the pads in a dental rinse. Remember that it is the abrasive action of the pad on the teeth that does the most good; the dental rinse is just an extra.
The dental rinse I use is chlorhexidine 0.12 percent. You do not want to use chlorhexidine with a higher percentage.
[I have been down a rabbit's hole investigating various dental rinses - chlorhexidine, delmopinol, cetylpyridinium chloride, etc. I have talked with both my veterinary dentist and my human dentist, and read several scientific papers on the subject. I keep coming back to chlorhexidine as the best option. Chlorhexidine is what is used in most commercial dental pads.]
The brand of chlorhexidine that I currently purchase is "Dentahex Oral Rinse" and you can get it from If anyone knows a better (cheaper) source, please let me know.
And if anyone has a good suggestion for a dental pad, I will be happy to give it a try. Please let me know the brand name.
13 Jun 2020
Addendum (21 Nov 2020) So far the best pad that I have found is "Goodsell All Purpose Non Woven Gauze" that I purchased on Amazon. Use the words in quotes in the Amazon search box and it should come up. The gauze comes in a green and white package. You want the 2in by 2in non-sterile gauze.