Olivia's 2012 Litter

Pregnancy and Week1

25-31 May 2012
Olivia bred to Brody (Abbedale Ring O'Brodgar) owned by Nancy Wise.
6 July
Lab says that Olivia is pregnant.
12 July
Olivia has definite tummy bulge.
19 July
A pregnant Olivia.
20 July
Olivia's previous (first) pregnancy ended in an emergency C-section. The surgeon said Olivia had strong contractions but her pelvic diameter was too small. So for this pregnancy I decided to take Olivia to a local vet (Dr. Molesworth) who specializes in reproduction for a planned C-section. I dropped Olivia off today.
26 July
The vet saw something he did not like and decided to go in early. Three puppies born, premature.
27-31 July
The vet and his staff tube fed the puppies until they could nurse on their own. I called every morning and evening to check on everyone's status. I am amazed that Dr. Molesworth was able to keep the preemies alive!
1 August
I picked up Olivia and her puppies. Told puppies have diarrhea. Since I have to leave the next day on a judging assignment, I take Olivia and the puppies to a fellow breeder (Michaela Clancy). Two girls and a boy. Unfortunately my camera decides not to work. Put colored yarn on puppies to distinguish them. Pink, Green, and White (boy).

Week2 - Michaela's notes

1 August 5 pm
Pinky -143 (grams)
Greenie -158
Whitie - 147
Puppies are very active (twitching when sleeping as well)
Room is kind've stinky. Probably from diarrhea.
2 August 9:00 am
Pinky - 149
Greenie - 167
Whitie - 154
9:30 am .02 zithromax for all three puppies.
10:00 am .01 live culture yogurt all three puppies .05 Olivia.
1/2 Pet Cal Tab for Olivia
2 August 8:00 pm
Pinky - 160
Greenie - 179
Whitie - 169
Room is no longer stinky - gas or diarrhea must've cleared up.
3 August 7:15 am
Pinky - 170
Greenie - 190
Whitie - 179
Room is still not stinky!
9:00 am
.02 zithromax for all three puppies.
1/2 Pet Cal Tab for Olivia
.01 live culture yogurt all three puppies .05 Olivia
3 August 8:00 pm
Pinky - 179
Greenie - 196
Whitie - 187
4 August 8:00 am
Pinky - 188
Greenie - 202
Whitie - 196
1/2 Pet Cal Tab for Olivia
.02 zithromax for all three puppies
.01 live culture yogurt all three puppies .05 Olivia
4 August 8:00 pm
Pinky - 198
Greenie - 211
Whitie - 198
5 August 8:00 am
Pinky - 206
Greenie - 218
Whitie - 212
1/2 Pet Cal Tab for Olivia.
.02 zithromax for all three puppies
.01 live culture yogurt all three puppies .05 Olivia
Greenie has slight swellling in his right eye. It appears crusted shut.
Applying warm compresses gently with cotton balls 9:00
Applying warm compresses gently with cotton balls 11:00
Applying warm compresses gently with cotton balls 1:00 and applied vetropolycin opthalmic ointment
Applying warm compresses gently with cotton balls 3:00 and applied vetropolycin opthalmic ointment
Crust has dissolved & swelling has now gone down.
Eye has a light pink discharge.
5 August 8:00 pm
Pinky - 222
Greenie - 223
Whitie - 221
6 August 8:00 am
Pinky - 227
Greenie - 237 (I guess it's obvious who was bellied up to the bar all night long!)
Whitie - 234
Greenies' right eye is back to normal & both eyes are beginning to open :-)
No zithromax today.
1/2 Pet Cal Tab for Olivia
.01 live culture yogurt all three puppies and Olivia .05
Warm wet cotton balls to keep puppies eye clean 3 x daily
6 August 8:00 pm
Pinky - 236
Greenie - 248
Whitie - 246
In another day or so they'll be climbing out of the tray I'm weighing them in!
7 August 8:00 am
Pinky - 247
Greenie - 256
Whitie - 262

Week3 - I pick up the puppies

7 August
Upon returning from my judging assignment, I picked up from Michaela the puppies, Olivia, and my other dogs. The puppies have almost doubled in size since I have seen them last. Getting five adult Norwich and three puppies into my Honda Civic is a new record for me! When we got home, I got Olivia and her puppies settled in the whelping box set up next to my bed. Weighting everyone, I find that Pink weighs 255 grams, Green is 268 grams, and White is 266 grams. Green is the only who has started to open her eyes.
8 August
I got only a little sleep last night. Everytime I heard a noise, I turned on the light to check on the puppies. But Olivia is a good mom, and does her job well. All the puppies gained weight overnight. I finally figured out what was wrong with my camera and got it working again. Here is my first picture of the puppies.

A picture of Green in the whelping box. Notice that her eyes are slightly open.

The puppies are almost six inches long.

Olivia on her side and the puppies nursing.

9 August
Pink, Green, and White now all weigh over 300 grams.

White makes a convenient pillow. Sleeping head-to-toe.

Puppies in their traveling box for their first visit to the vet. Note their size to compare with later pictures. Pink yawning. A nice head shot of Pink. Green being examined. Green's face. Another shot (note the eye partially open). Green on the table. White on the table. White's face.

10 August
Pink and White start to open their eyes.
11 August
Pink and White's eyes are definitely open.

Pink sleeping on her back, fat and contented. White and Pink sleeping.

12 August
Pink, Green, and White now all weigh over 400 grams. Again Green is the first one to set the record.

Mom makes a good pillow. Green nursing.

I let Olivia outside to do her business. On the way back to the whelping box (in my bedroom) I thought Olivia was right behind me, and let a dog past the gate. This dog ran straight to the whelping box and began licking the puppies. It was only when I did a double take that I noticed that the dog was Paige (one of Olivia's daughters by her previous litter) and not Olivia. I quickly corrected my mistake.

13 August
Puppies crawling around. Green and a yardstick. White streatching. All three puppies.
14 August
Puppies crawl under a sitting Olivia to nurse. Olivia cleaning a puppy. For the first several weeks of life, puppies rely on Mom to lick them to stimulate them to pee and poop. Mom licks it all up to keep the area clean.
16 August
All three puppies nursing. At the vet again in their traveling box. Notice how much the puppies have grown in just one week since 9 August. Pink being examined. Nice head shot of White. White getting his chest stroked. Olivia wondering what we are doing to the puppies. Green's first thermometer.


17 August
Puppies are now four weeks old. Pink weighs 509 grams, Green weighs 530 grams, and White is trailing at 477 grams. I have to leave on a judging assignment, so the Olivia and the puppies go back to Michaela.
20 August
Returning from the judging assignment, I pick up Olivia and the puppies who now weigh 573 (Pink), 608 (Green), and 552 (White).

Back home. A closer shot of Pink. Later, under the pig rail. Notice how easily the puppy fits underneath. This will not last. Yawning.

21 August
On the advice of my vet, if the weather is nice and not too hot, I take the puppies outside for a few minutes so that they get some sun (to stimulate vitamin D production). Here is a puppy outside. It is a jungle out here!

The puppies are now past the first three critical weeks and now can reasonably be expected to survive. Consequently today I registered them with the AKC. Which mean I had to name them. There names are (drumroll, please)

Green = Shaksper Amanda Seyfried (Mandy)
Pink = Shaksper Sophie Hall (Sophie)
White = Shaksper Victor Garcia (Victor)

These are all characters or actors from the movie "Letters to Juliet", and so maintains the Shakespeare connection.

22 August
Today started out with a scare. When taking Olivia out for a walk, I noticed blood clots seeping down her rear legs and then found dried blood on her belly. A lot of it. Olivia seemed normal otherwise, and did not seem upset or in distress. So rather than rushing to the local emergency clinic, I was able to get an early appointment with the vet (Dr. Molesworth) who had done the C-section and then kept the puppies alive. So off Olivia and the pups went to the vet. Olivia's temp and white blood count was normal. An x-ray showed that one end of her uterus was slightly enlarged. The vet said that the discharge did not have any smell, so he was not worried but put Olivia on a low dose of an antibiotic as a precaution.

Dr. Molesworth briefly looked at the puppies and was pleased with their progress. I commented that I was amazed that he was able to keep the preemies alive. His comment was "So am I". (Which represents a major speech if you know how laconic Dr. Molesworth is.) Obviously it was a very close thing when the puppies were first born.

Here are the three puppies back at home. The kibble is for Olivia, who is now eating four or five meals a day in order to provide milk for her growing puppies. Everyone nursing. The puppies are starting to play (mock fight). But it only lasts for a moment or two, then everyone is back sleeping.

23 August
Biting the pig rail.


24 August
Sophie weighs 692 grams, Mandy 716 grams, and Victor 678 grams.

Today I moved the puppies out to the kitchen during the day. Mandy yawning. My usual view of the x-pen. Note the block of wood as a barrier to keep the puppies in, but let Olivia go in and out. Olivia stays close to make sure the puppies are safe.

25 August
Mandy is the only puppy willing to try some baby rice mixed with goats milk. Everyone still prefers mom's milk.
26 August
Mandy eating some yogurt.
27 August
Making a new friend. Practicing the ancient sport of how many puppies will fit in a shoe box. Mom still cleans the puppies.
28 August
Olivia guards the entrance to the x-pen. All three puppies eating some rice. Noticing that there is a world outside the whelping box.
29 August
Mandy tries some of Mom's kibble. She mostly gums the kibble, then drops it. Today I notice that teeth are starting to erupt. Standing on all four feet. Head shot. Sleeping together. Sophie guarding Mom's food. (Notice her tongue sticking out.)
30 August
Looking at the camera. Mandy is the first escapee. I have no idea how she got over the barrier.


31 August
Sophie is 840 grams, Mandy is 884 grams, and Victor is 886 grams.

Nursing. Sleeping between another's legs. Puppies discover hard boiled egg.

2 September

3 September
Puppies starting to really walk

4 September
Victor the escape artist from pen in kitchen

5 September
Sophie escapes from the welping box several times. Victor breaks 1 kg

11 September
Mandy makes king of the hill. Victor goes outside through doggy door (as Olivia comes in). Lock puppies in whelping box at night.

12 September
Starting to potty train. Puppies have run of the kitchen.

13 September
Since puppies locked in whelping box at night, I now have to get up in the middle of the night to allow mom inside.

Puppies eating solid kibble (and sardines).

Washing machine going almost constantly.

Came home from running errands to find one of the puppies outside. I suspect he came through the doggy door with one of the adult dogs. As I was unpacking the car, I saw Victor squeeze himself through a crack in the fence. I will need to keep the puppies locked up until they get bigger.

When I have been doing my "count the puppies", I have now found Victor outside three times. I just saw him go out through the doggy door all on his own a fourth time. Smart dog! (But now I need to watch him more closely, as I do not want him outside by himself.

14 September
After everyone had breakfast (except me), I had the puppies and Olivia outside. I twice watched Olivia clear a bit of dirt, then regurgitate her breakfast and guard the puppies while they ate. What the puppies did not eat, she ate and cleaned up the area.

15 September
Victor came inside through the doggy door by himself. This is the youngest I have ever had a puppy figure out the doggy door.

18 September
Bitter Apple. Olivia takes her chicken to puppies.

19 September
Puppy hiccups.

22-23 September
Earthdog test

24 Sep
Sophie, Mandy go through doggy door. Olivia still nursing and vomiting food for puppies.

25 Sep
Meet Dremmel. Shots at vet.

26 Sep
I gave two (raw) chicken wings to the three puppies. Olivia gives her chicken wing to the puppies. So each puppy had their own wing.

Contact: shakspernorwich@gmail.com